Parents Back to School Cocktail – Raspberry Lemon Spritzer Recipe

Hey parents! Are you feeling a little stressed out by the back to school rush? This light and refreshing Raspberry Lemon Spritzer will help you get back to your carefree, chilling-by-the-pool, summer-vibe we all miss come the end of September.

A good back-to-school cocktail for busy parents should be refreshing, easy to make, and not too strong, since we’ve got kids to keep track of after all 😉 Here’s a simple and delightful option:

Sparkling Raspberry Lemonade Spritzer


  • 2 oz raspberry vodka*
  • 1 oz fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup (adjust to taste)
  • Sparkling water or club soda to taste
  • Fresh raspberries and lemon slices for garnish
  • Ice cubes


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes.
  2. In a cocktail shaker, combine the raspberry vodka, fresh lemon juice, and simple syrup. Shake well to combine.
  3. Strain the mixture into the ice-filled glass.
  4. Top off the glass with sparkling water or club soda to your desired level, usually about 2-3 ounces.
  5. Gently stir to combine.
  6. Garnish with fresh raspberries and a lemon slice.
  7. Serve and enjoy!

This cocktail is light, fruity, and perfect for sipping as you unwind after a busy day of shuttling your little darlings back and forth to school and activities. If you prefer a non-alcoholic option, you can omit the vodka and make a delightful raspberry lemonade spritzer for the whole family to enjoy.

*Note: This is the easy after-a-long-day version, you can of course use fresh raspberries and regular vodka if you prefer.

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